Journal for Mountain Resources and Environment (JMRE) publishes open access, peer-reviewed papers that address the research, policy, planning, and practice related to natural resources. The journal publishes papers that expand natural resource management and conservation knowledge ranging from practical experience to advances in theory.
The journal places special emphasis on transdisciplinary studies that connect findings to management and conservation outcomes to address which strategies work as well as which strategies fail. Novelty or broad applicability are not pre-requisites for acceptance in JMRE. Studies with implications for natural resources applications that rely on established methods on specific case studies are welcome.
JMRE seeks to build up communication between researchers and practitioners to improve the management and conservation of natural resources, especially in the mountain areas and its application to local, national and international decisions and programs. JMRE promotes a broad and fair representation of scientists and practitioners from all countries.
Journal for Mountain Resources and Environment publishes papers in five categories that vary in length and scope. In the descriptions below, maximum manuscript length is defined by the number of words. Word count includes all text from the Abstract to the Acknowledgments. It does not include the title page, References, table captions and figure legends, or Supporting Information (.pdf file; max. 10 pages).
Review. (max. 8000 words). Comprehensive reviews of topics relevant to topics presented in the Aims & Scopes section. Science-focused reviews should synthesize findings based on a well-developed scientific literature. Reviews should be explicit about the methods used to find the information and criteria on data curation.
Research Paper. (min. 4000- max. 6000 words). Research papers describing original theoretical, empirical or synthetic research. Contributed papers should include no more than 4 figures and 3 tables in the main text. Additional tables and figures are encouraged, where needed, in Supplemental Materials.
Perspectives (max. 2000 words). Perspectives are opinion pieces that provide a forum for scientists and practitioners to develop ideas with broad significance to the topics presented in the Aim & Scope section. The focus can be on concepts, methods, applications, policy, or current or urgent conservation problems.
Letter (max. 1000 words). A letter is a short communication regarding topics of interest to readers, including observations on controversial subjects.
Comments (max. 1000 words). A Comment respond to papers previously published in JMRE. If accepted, authors of the article being commented on will have the opportunity to submit a response. Publication of the initial Comment is delayed until the response, if one is submitted, has been peer-reviewed and rejected or accepted. If the response is accepted, both comments are published simultaneously.
JMRE will NOT consider for review articles previously available as preprints on non-commercial servers such as ArXiv, bioRxiv, psyArXiv, SocArXiv, engrXiv, etc.